Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Little Fluffy Clouds.

Another song as Flight Or Flight.


The Famous Sonny Eclipse...

I just spent the last hour making this....for no other reason than I LOVE SONNY ECLIPSE....who is a singing alien.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Lets all get ready for Halloween...k?

I've got the itch...

How I Managed Not to Die from Boredom.

We didn't have power for 24 hours.  I read a lot...recorded a song from Bambi, and made this video for it.  Enjoy.

Sorry Bout The Rain...

Our power had been off for the last 24 hours.  Boo.  But now everything seems to be back to normal....except our basement is flooded, and I really don't want to look at the damage.

Here are some raindrop drawings I made this morning.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lookin Back. Small Love.

   Small love is a multimedia art project I finished at the beginning of this year.  It involved an album of original music and an art show based on the music.    Funny thing about this one is how long I actually sat on the music.  I finished recording most of it before I started beauty school July of 2010.  Anyway....enjoy.

Press photo.

Here are some songs off of that album:

Best Friends

Second Best

   And some awesome pictures from the shows dance party:

Lousy With Mushrooms.

So, among other many charming things, Montclair is lousy with mushrooms.  Inspired by some amazing photos by my friend Karen.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Art school art: Bruno the cat.

Back in the day I used to actually go to ART SCHOOL. We are talking prior to beauty school, prior to wanting to be a mail man, prior to making music....heck, even before Brooklyn. And I used to make totally awesome art really bad art school art. Example, a portrait of my cat Bruno.

Lookin Back. Stacked Animals.

Around the Summer of 2007 I made a series of water color paintings.  The subject matter?  Animals standing on top of each other.  :)
I'm kind of having a bummer day.  Someone send me a joke or something.

Lined Birds.

Good morning.  Eat some oatmeal.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sticking With Pigs.

These guys sit in the window sill in my bedroom, taking care of the baby plants that live there. 

Fancy Pig.

Took a little bit longer than normal on this mornings drawing....but I think a fancy pig is worthy of this sidestep.  I really hope that everyone has the most fantastic Monday.  I know I'm going to try.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Doodle Roundup.

Here are three silly doodles from my extensive archive :)

Put Coffee In Here, Please.

Woke up a little later than normal toady.....ugh, what a night.
Please throw some coffee down my throat.  Thank you.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Loving my Faber Castells.

Here are two drawings to wrap up this awesome Friday.  I'm really feeling my Faber Castell markers lately. 

Someone Elses Art.

So I'm spending the day organizing our three hall closets.  One of which is a designated arts and crafts closet.  In said art closet I found these amazing drawings by my old friend Caitlyn King.   Caitlyn and I got drunk one night and decided to draw portraits of each other.....and these are what she left me.  The one of me and Adam is one the favorite things I own.   I haven't seen or heard from Caitlyn in four years or so, but think of her fondly now and then.  Enjoy.
Me and Adam.  (I bought that cardigan the day this was made!)
 This is in the corner of the drawing. :)
Me as a pumpkin.
Clearly drunk. 
Wow.  Aren't those awesome!